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The  Artists

Mia Muze under the banner of Digital Marketing and Media Agency, Dallas Daisy Design - is responsible for designing the Cover Art for Album 22 and Album 22+ as well as the site logo. Special thanks to @dallasdaisydesign #dallasdaisydesign

 @miamuze #miamuze for artwork 

Photo for Album22+ by Jared Wade (Easton, MD 1998)

Andrew Swindell Provided Mastering for a few of the Artists on the album. 

 Sandy Maddalino for the Artwork behind the collage as it was purchased from her by Ton-E (Eric Vasquez) for his Single "You are Loved".

Special Thanks to Justin Newsome  and Ginine Mizerski

Album 22

A product growing out of participation with

Through conversations with artists and way showers like Rimini Muschamp the feeling came to find a way to work together to build eachother and Humanity. With the aid and support of Laura JE Hamilton a summit was called in December of 2020 to effect change in the world, to explore the concepts of using music to promote healing. More summits followed and from these meetings a project grew, ALBUM 22. 

This project centered on finding purpose. The theme was chosen as the hero's journey or the sacred sojourn of the soul. songs were sought that answered this theme. This is that project and what has grown from it. 

Laura JE Hamilton

-Bringing Album 22 to the world has in itself truly been a steep and rewarding learning curve.

I am grateful for saying yes when Jared proposed hosting a meeting for musicians who would benefit from hearing the sacred sojourn of the soul which, based on the incredible people who joined us early on, then prompted me to ask the question “how easy would it be to make an album with all these phenomenal people?”

And that was how "Album 22 - The Sacred Sojourn 2021" was conceived, when Jared Wade said sure we can and I’ll help find the people to make it possible, which did he ever do well!?

What a journey it has been in bringing this idea into existence and a song I contributed to the creation of, and how grateful I am to be involved in this trend-setting experience of offering conscious contributors the opportunity to do the inner healing work as a way to heal the greater whole too! This project will have a part 2 in 2022 when we’ll feature another 22 artists around a theme to be announced closer to the time. In the mean time we have an Album to create for the healing of the soul, often referred to as the child within.

It’s an amazing time to be alive so I believe it is time for us to truly live fully while we are here to benefit life on planet Earth! 

Rimini Muschamp- 

My journey into consiousness has enabled me to discover how important music is on a very visceral level and cognitive level, as the frequency not only heals our cells, but the words and Energy that we sing actually have a mental programming element that can be used for us or against us. With Album 22 we wanted to Reclaim the power of music to elervate humanity, offering an alternative to much of our popular culture that is subtly creating disempowering beliefs and thought forms, that actually do not leadus towards lives filled with joy.

My intention for being a leader with Album 22, is to collaborate with other artists to harness the power of music and intentionally release it so that it brings more joy to this world and each individual on this planet. 

William Wade Vocalist- Noir Dream

Jared Wade 

Director- Bassist-Noir Dream

Album 22 has been an amazing journey into lifting and building. I have been privlidged to hear some of the artists and builders on this project tell what this journey has meant for them, I listened and was blown away. 

I am so very joyful to have been a part of building this amazing team of Artists, that have come together for the common purpose of lifting humanity ! 


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